Benefits of Being a McNair Scholar
Benefits of Being A McNair Scholar
Some benefits McNair Scholars receive include:
Research Stipend. Students who conduct research and participate in all activities sponsored by the McNair program will receive a stipend up to $2,800 in accordance with University policy.
Free GRE Prep Classes. The GRE (Graduate Record Examination) is typically required for graduate school admission and McNair Scholars receive free instruction for the examination. McNair scholars also receive fee waivers to minimize the application fee.
Free Travel to McNair Research Conferences. WSU McNair Scholars attend various national conferences where they observe and present research. Student travel expenses (ex: registration, food, travel and lodging) in accordance with University policy are paid for by the program.
Research Methodology workshops and seminars. Students attend research methodology/research ethics workshops that enable students to augment their research experience from a practical, a theoretical and an ethical perspective.
Academic Counseling. Individual academic counseling from the program director, program counselor, and faculty mentors enable students to maximize their undergraduate program and prepare for graduate study.
McNair Scholars Fellowships and Application Fee Waivers. McNair Scholars are eligible to qualify for full McNair scholarships and fellowships at Wayne State University and hundreds of universities across the country as well as application fee waivers.
Networking Opportunities and Supportive Scholarly Environment. McNair Scholars benefit and grow from close working relationships with senior level Wayne State University faculty through a mentoring program and McNair research and graduate school seminars. Participants also network with faculty and McNair Scholars from other universities when visiting campuses or conferences and create close friendships with their McNair colleagues.
McNair Scholar Alumni Benefits
Graduating in positive standing with our program enables you to continue access to application fee waivers and letters of recommendation for future graduate school related opportunities. Simply contact our offices, reference your program participation years, and we will be happy to support your endeavor with a form or letter of support.