
The Ronald E. McNair Postbaccalaureate Achievement Program (McNair Scholars Program) is a federally funded program designed to prepare the next generation of researchers for doctoral study in many of the nation's top research universities.  Funded by a $1,125,000 five year grant from the U.S. Department of Education, the McNair Scholars Program provides effective preparation for doctoral study to low-income and first generation college students and students from groups underrepresented in graduate education to empower them to be successful in graduate education and in life. Students receive training in areas of research conceptualization and project execution, wellness and scholarly identity development, and graduate school expectations and admission requirements. McNair Scholars are prepared to become competitive candidates for graduate school admission.

The Wayne State University McNair Scholars Program provides the following services:

  • Academic, personal, and career counseling
  • Tutoring
  • Financial aid assistance
  • Faculty and staff mentoring
  • Research opportunities
  • Research presentation experience
  • Graduate school preparation
  • Developmental workshops and seminars
  • Summer research internships and stipends
  • Professional and academic conferences travel opportunities