Educational Talent Search

The Educational Talent Search Program (ETS) at Wayne State University is designed to help students succeed academically in middle school, high school, vocational school, or college. We assist students with college preparation and enrollment and provide early intervention counseling. We also work to obtain and disseminate current scholarship and financial aid information to low-income and first-generation college students. The ETS program currently has 25 target schools servicing a minimum of 1,250 students annually, ages 12-18 years old. Two-thirds of the program participants must be low-income and potential first-generation college students. 

ETS provides academic, career, and financial counseling while encouraging students to stay in school. All program services and activities are at no cost to the participants or their families. The goal is to provide every participant an opportunity to start and complete a post-secondary education. Participants are encouraged to maintain at least a "C" average, attend meetings, and actively participate in the program's workshops and activities. This academic support program works one-on-one and in group settings with its students. The Educational Talent Search Program seeks to provide a supportive environment while nurturing the academic and personal growth of each of its students.