Directions to WSU

Directions to Wayne State University

From Detroit Metropolitan Airport-or the West

Follow Airport Signs to I-94 Freeway

  • Take I-94 east to southbound Lodge Freeway (M-10).
  • Once on the Lodge Freeway, take the first exit, Warren-Forest.
  • Proceed to the light and make a left on Forest; cross over the Lodge.
  • Continue east to Anthony Wayne Drive.
  • Turn left on Anthony Wayne Drive heading north.
  • Park in Structure #2 on the left side of Anthony Wayne Drive

I-75 (from the north)

  • Take I-75 south and exit at Warren. Go the light and turn right.
  • Turn right on Anthony Wayne Drive.
  • Park in Structure #2 on the left side of Anthony Wayne Drive

I-75 (from the south)

  • Take I-75 north and exit at Warren. Go to the light and turn left.
  • Turn right on Anthony Wayne Drive.
  • Park in Structure #2 on the left side of Anthony Wayne Drive